Here is the list of vegetables that can be grown in your backyard commercially
- Chillies - All year long
- Chicpea or Chana - All year long
- Ridged Gourd - Dodka - Year long
- Bottle Gourd - Bhopla- Calabash
- Egg plant - Brinjal
- Ivy Gourd - Tindora
- Okra
- Beans
- Tomatoes
- Mint
- Pea - Mutter
- Snowpea
- Raddish
- Beat
- Corn
- Snakegourd
- Curry Leaves
- Lime
- Lemon
- Coriander
- Spinach
- Methi
- Squash
- Dill leaves
- Squash
- Zucchinni
Post Summer - Autum/Fall
- Drumsticks - In Autumn
- Bittergourd - Bitter melon
- Ginger
- Potatoes
- Garlic
- Sweet Potato
- Capsicum
Post Winter/Spring
- Ghevda - Indian Bean - Harvesting only in Winter/Spring
Here is the list of vegetables that you may find difficult to grow due to weather/pests
- Okra
- Tomatoes
- Lime
- Spinach
- Methi
- Zucchinni
- Garlic
- Capsicum